Not many realize they are encountering a new way of creating abstract expression when they chance across this portraiture of imaginary 20th century art spirits that taught me how to see, recognized and portrayed as they come on sunny mornings to a milieu created for the occasions, in appreciation of my knowing they exist. They are the result of a number of soft plastic water bottles, some colored by Ukrainian Easter-egg dyes, in proximity to a melange of crystals, fancy tequila bottles and various other colorful, sparkly and sundry items that vary with whim and whimsy. The sun is parabolically reflected back into the crystal mass, creating a sort of light machine that causes the bottles to glow, revealing a series of personalities that vary with the slightest angle... My job is to photograph them in their finest light, which IS what you see here in these untouched, original raw files as they exist on memory cards, unique to photography as they involve refraction, a basically ignored phenomenon.