George O. Jackson de Llano

I Call This Work Thaumaturgy* Because Of Its Magical Component That Appears When I Fuse The Portraits Of The Spirits That I Photograph, Often Resulting In Surprising And Magical Expressions.
Creative imagination suggests that the memories of actual sights and experiences may so blend in the mind of the writer or artist as to produce something that has never existed before — often a hitherto unperceived vision of reality: to use imagination in portraying character and action.
For further insight, please SEE Fernando Castro's erudite essay following the image presentation....
*MAGIC - In the 16th century, the word thaumaturgy entered the English language meaning miraculous or magical powers. The word was first anglicized and used in the magical sense in John Dee's book Mathematicall Praeface to Euclid's Elements (1570). He mentions an "art mathematical" called "thaumaturgy... which giveth certain order to make strange works, of the sense to be perceived and of men greatly to be wondered at.”
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